
MANDRILL, P.I. #1 – A noir detective tale for cartoon lovers

Created by Christopher Brimmage

A hardboiled detective uncovers a plot full of corruption & MAD SCIENCE. If he can learn to rely on his friends, then he MIGHT survive.

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We're Already Funded!
about 3 years ago – Wed, May 05, 2021 at 11:02:17 PM

Wow. All I can say is WOW.

Oh, and thank you! Thank you so much.

I am blown away by the support. Funded within the first 12 hours! You are amazing.

But we have 28 days left in the campaign! And it doesn't shut down just because we've met the initial funding goal.

All it means is that publication is now guaranteed. Which is SO exciting, and something for which I’m so appreciative. Thanks to YOU, this cartoon noir tale can continue.

But now that we have 28 days left, this is an amazing opportunity to really expand our audience. I hope you’ll help me do so by continuing to promote the Kickstarter campaign on your social channels during the remaining few weeks.

Expect a big announcement for bonus Stretch Goals, so stay tuned for some cool upgrades to rewards.

Thank you again! You are amazing!
